

We're back with many different activities we've doing this week in Totalenglish!

Welcome Spring:

To start with, we wanted to welcome this amazing season that started some days ago. Therefore, we prepared beautiful flowers and their good smell was almost real!! As it's a season during which changes in the weather are constant, we seized the moment to revise this topic. What we also like about this arrival is the fact that summer is getting closer and soon we'll be able to spend the day at the beach :) 

A totalenglish l'arribada de la primavera ha estat ben present amb aquestes floretes tan guapes! A més, hem aprofitat per a repassar el temps ja que com hem experimentat al llarg d'aquesta setmana, els canvis són constants!!!      


Customised Key-Rings:

Do you need any key-rings or want to decorate your pencil cases? We're so good at making customised key-rings and we decide the topic depending on what we're studying at school! Then, we've got key-rings about the animal world, about clothes, fruits and many more! The good thing about it is that they're for sale now ;) 

Necessitau llaveros o voleu decorar els vostres estoigs?!  Adaptam els nostres llaveros al tema que esteim vegent a l'escola, per això en tenim de tot tipus: d'animals, peces de roba, fruites....!!! 

"Who is more likely to...?" and "Would you rather...?"

Martina brought to class cards to play "Who is more likely to...?" with which we laughed a lot because most of the times everyone showed the same name! This means that we know each other quite well! Thank you Martina, we love students who participate that much! We also played "would you rather...?", a funnier way to practice conditionals!

Na Martina va dur un joc molt divertit "Qui és mes probable que...?". Va quedar demostrat que ens coneixem molt bé ja que quasi sempre coincidíem per a escollir qui feia cada cosa!!! També vam introduïr el "Would you rather...", que ens permet repassar els condicionals i practicar els compartius! Qué be aquests nins que vénen amb noves idees :)




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Més notícies del passat cap de setmana...

Diumenge 20 de març una bona representació dels Totalrunners anaren a córrer a Palma, a la Cursa Ciutat de Palma, a la distància de 10km i 21 Km! Com sempre, vam gaudir d'un matí agradable amb un dia espectacular acompanyats dels millors!

Enhorabona a tots i a totes! A seguir sumant quilòmetres!


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Les vacances de pasqua ja estan a punt d'arribar i a Totalfit us hem preparat un parell d'activitats per gaudir-les al màxim.

  • Dissabte 8 d'abril - EASTER EGG HUNT: activitat lúdica en anglès. Preu 2€
  • De dimarts 18 d’abril al divendres 21 d’abril – CAMPUS DE PASQUA A TOTALFIT: tallers, manualitats, kangoo, ball, jocs i més. Preu: tots els dies 40€ - per dia 12€ 

Per a més informació i reserva de plaça podeu telefonar al 971595308

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From Totalenglish, we wish you a  very HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! How important they're to us and how grateful they'll be for these cards prepared with so much love laughing



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Games we love :D

Totalfit Espai Educatiu presents... 

It’s been too long since our Totalenglish pupils wanted to play password, so we finally did it! We not only finished the thorn but also introduced new features… turning it into a pretty complete game to learn english! Our Totalgame consisted of three different parts: a first thorn, in which children were told definitions and they had to answer with the proper word. The second part was about linking words with their synonyms and the last section was about giving definitions.

We’ve to admit they’ve participated a lot and guessed many things (with jumps and yells included!!!) Well done guys! :D

Avui hem tornat amb un Totalgame! El nostre joc constava de tres parts: primer hem completat el roscón de pasapalabra (sempre ens estimula molt!), després hem seguit amb una prova de sinònims i finalment hem definit diferents paraules.

Apart dels crits i bots per a veure si així se’ls sentia abans i guanyaven el punt… :p no es pot negar que ho han fet molt bé i han estat molt participatius durant tot el concurs!! Molt bé nins :D


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