

 Hi there Totalenglishers!               

 It's been a while since we're not here but our activities never stop, neither do them during summer! 

With our Junior groups, we talked about the importance of dreams and aims in life! What is there in your bucket list? We like to encourage our students and see how they success in life!

Our Kiddos played bingo and designed original alphabets. There're also some beautiful princesses who are always ready to listen to stories and answer disney trivials!




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Knowledge will be richer if it's built from a variety of activities. Therefore, our TotalActivities are wide:

-Art creations: Can you express two opposite feelings through a collage? Colours can really help you to transmit different emotions!

-DDA: Describe, Draw, Act. Throw the dice, take a card and let your mates discover the hidden word! A suitable game for all age ranges!

-Table games: we don't leave apart traditional ways to learn english, so we also find time for table games and copies! 

Remember it's not us who adapt ourselves to English but English to us, when including it in our daily routine :) 


Una gama d'activitats variada enriqueix el nostre coneixement. És per això que el nostre ventall és tan ampli!

-Art creations: expressam les nostres emocions a partir de collages i de jugar amb els colors!

-DDA: Descriu, dibuixa, actua. Tira el dau, agafa una carta i ajuda als teus companys a descobrir la paraula amagada! Un joc per a totes les edats!

-Table games: tampoc ens oblidam dels jocs tradicionals, ni de les fitxes! Recorda que no som nosaltres els que ens adaptem a l'anglès sinó aquest a nosaltres quan l'incloem en la nostra rutina :)





Imprimeix Correu electrònic


This week in Totalenglish...

We've been learning about food and recipes, so we decided to go to the supermarket to make it more real! We could find everything we were looking for and I've to say we know many things related to the topic!

As you already know, in Totalenglish we love to practice all skills: letters, art, science, sports, theatre, dance and also equilibrium and co-work games! Thanks the eggs were fake...! Find more Totalenglish activities in our Campus this Summer laughing

Anam al Supermercat! Havíem estat aprenent tot el relacionat amb el menjar i com preparar receptes... per això volíem experimentar-ho de primera mà!! 

Com ja sabeu, a Totalenglish ens agrada posar en pràctica totes les habilitats: lletres, art, ciència, esports, teatre, dansa i també l'equilibri i jocs de cooperació. Troba més activitats Totalenglish en el nostre campus d'estiu :) 

Who thinks English is boring doesn't know what Totalenglish is about :D 



Imprimeix Correu electrònic

Going to the FUNFAIR

#totalenglish #totalfit #espaieducatiu #uncentreperatotalafamilia #funfair#enjoy!

Going to the FUNFAIR is something we all love!

The Funfair is already in Manacor and we all feel there's no better plan than spending time there with our friends!!! In Totalenglish, we have also wanted to celebrate it remembering all kind of activities we can do there and also trying many of them  ! Let's have fun and enjoy ourselves

Bones fires i festes a tots i totes desde Totalenglish!!! A disfrutar d'aquest cap de setmana tan ple d'activitat a Manacor



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Diuen que "a la diversitat hi ha la riquesa" i és per això que a Totalfit  no deixem de cercar nous materials i implements per fer les classes dels nostres clients més divertides, interessants i mogudes!!

Aquestes darreres setmanes hem treballat amb: sikloons, glide disks, minibands, functional bags i ballast balls. 

A més, hem aprofitat aquests dies de bon temps per a realitzar algunes classes a l'exterior, així han pogut gaudir de fer exercici a l'aire lliure.

Us animeu a provar alguna de les nostres classes? laughinglaughinglaughinglaughing

Imprimeix Correu electrònic