Escrit per Totalfit - Centre de benestar a .

What's going on in TOTALENGLISH?!

Last day in Totalenglish we focused our attention on shapes, textures, patterns and materials and these little ones enjoyed themselves so much!!! We used stickers, tempers, straws and paper mache. Creating such a wide world of contrast helps them feel more original and creative. The structure of the image turns to be more interesting than its subject and children get more motivated! And then... look at our beautiful superheroes masks! We gained strength and learned english easier and faster!

Més activitats que hem anat fent a Totalenglish! Hem combinat textures, formes i materials i aquests nins s'ho han passat pipa! Jugar amb aquests contrasts els fa sentir originals i creatius! També vam preparar uns antifaços per a convertir-nos en superherois i tenir superpoders per aprendre molt d'anglès!!!! 



I com sempre, ens interessa que l'aprenentatge es produeixi a partir de la motivació! Ens agraden els nins contents laughing 

English means fun with us!
